

Since the program is quite modular some collectors require extra programs. It is impossible to collect mysql statistics if there is no mysql server running.

Installation for a single host

Step 1: Fix the collectors

To install run the install script. Use 'install --prefix=/installdir' to install to /installdir. The install script will create a file in the installation dir. Put this in a crontab to run every 5 minutes:

*/5 * * * * /installdir/

Step 2: Fix the viewing

/installdir now contains a 'site' directory. Make this directory accessible from your webserver. I will not go into details since there are a lot of things that can go wrong for every particular webserver setup. The most simple thing you can do is create a symlink from your webroot to the site directory:

ln -s /installdir/site /var/www/rjstats
You might want to put a .htaccess file in there which limits access to the page. If there are any problems look in the logs.

Step 3: View the graphs

Point your browser to the location you've made rjstats available for and you should see a list of available graphs (Do this after the entry has run). Now get some coffee and wait for 30 minutes to get some real values in there.

Installation for a network

It is possible to have 1 rjstats server where other computers send there data to. Currently there is no form of security whatsoever so be warned. At my work we run this setup on all our linux servers inside a private network where only company administrators have access, so we consider it secure enough. Do not put this on an internet accessible host unless you know what you're doing.

I suppose you already have a setup with 1 computer as described above.

Step 1: Fix the server

At this time it only works with xinetd. inetd is not supported. You will have to add an entry to /etc/services:

rjstats 2500/tcp

A xinetd config file is created in /installdir. Read it, adjust it to your situation and copy it to the correct location (probably /etc/xinetd.d). Restart the xinetd server and check your logs for errors. If everything went well xinetd is now listening on tcp port 2500.

Now do something creative with security. I suggest you use tcpwrappers or iptables to deny all connections to port 2500 except for the ip's you want to see graphs for. Use stunnel if you don't want others to see your computers' status.

Step 2: Fix the collectors

Instead of the cron file setup earlier above, you will need to create a new one one each host you want to monitor:

*/5 * * * * * /installdir/
Inside this file you have to put the ip or hostname of the rjstats server.

Step 3: View the graphs.

If everything worked out you can now see more computers in your browser (wait untill after the first rrdstats_send has run).

Known issues